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Marcellus is RUNNING OUT OF TIME – Execution Still Scheduled for Tomorrow

Updated: Dec 28, 2020

Marcellus is running out of time.

Missouri still plans to execute Marcellus tomorrow, and Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley has doubled down on his claim that “the state remains confident in other evidence in the case.”

Call Attorney General Josh Hawley at 573-751-3321 and email him at Inform him that the DNA evidence exonerates Marcellus.

Tell him that this execution is reckless and wrong.

Missouri Governor Eric Greitens’ office appears to be closed for the eclipse and the voicemail box is full, but you can email him here.

There may be an eclipse today, but an innocent man’s life is being threatened tomorrow.

The Change.Org petition is approaching 150,000 signatures. Be sure you have signed it and shared it.

The Innocence Project has called on Greitens to appoint an independent board of inquiry to evaluate Marcellus’ conviction and death sentence as the DNA evidence “affirmatively excluded” Marcellus as the perpetrator. “The state should not put a man to death without fully examining the case against him,” the request says.

The Libertarian Party has condemned the execution as “a shocking miscarriage of justice for the individual and as another tragic example of the immorality that lies at the root of capital punishment and its use nationwide.”

Marcellus’ case is receiving international and national attention. The Kansas City Star, Jeffrey Mitman, head of the Missouri American Civil Liberties Union, Amnesty International, the NAACP, and Equal Justice USA have all called for a halt to Marcellus’ execution.

Tomorrow, we will #RallyForMarcellus in St. Louis and around Missouri before Marcellus’ 6 p.m. execution:

Jefferson City: Rally in front of Governor Greitens’ office (201 W Capitol Ave; Jefferson City, MO 65101) at 12 p.m. noon and formal delivery of petition. Columbia: Vigil at 4:30 p.m. in front of the Boone County Courthouse (705 E Walnut St, Columbia, MO 65201). St. Louis: Rally at 3 p.m. at Greater St. Mark Family Church (9950 Glen Owen Dr.; St. Louis MO 63136). Speakers will include Rod Chapel and former St. Louis police officer Reddit Hudson. Cars will leave at 4 p.m. for Bonne Terre. Bonne Terre: Vigil at 5 p.m. at Eastern Reception, Diagnostic and Correctional Center (2727 Hwy K, Bonne Terre, MO 63628). Marcellus’ execution is scheduled for 6 p.m. Kansas City: Vigil at 5 p.m., 39th and Troost. Springfield: Rally at 12 p.m. noon at Park Central Square (Downtown Springfield, MO).

We hope you can join us in taking action. If not, please help get the word out to those who can – on Twitter and on Facebook.

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