In one month, Ernest Lee Johnson is scheduled for execution in Bonne Terre, Missouri. Over the next month he needs our support now more than ever.
Ernest was convicted and sentenced to death for the 1994 murders of Mary Bratcher, Mable Scruggs, and Fred Jones in Columbia, MO. Missouri set an execution date of October 5th even though Ernest meets the state statutory and clinical standards of having an intellectual disability. Executing Ernest Johnson is unconstitutional per Atkins v Virginia (2002) and a violation of his 8th amendment rights to be free from cruel and unusual punishment.
We need you to continue to ask Governor Parson to stop this execution.
Download our toolkit to take further action for Ernest Johnson. In the toolkit you’ll find:
key facts about Ernest and his case
sample social media posts and graphics to further online advocacy for Ernest
sample phone calls and letters to the Governor
sample letters to the editor of your newspaper
9/15 - Clemency for #ErnestJohnson Rally - Mill Creek Park, Kansas City Missouri - 12:00 PM
Online - Clemency for #ErnestJohnson Phone Zap and Social Media Power Hour - TBD
9/29 - Ernest Johnson Clemency Petition Drop! - 11:00 AM, Missouri State Capitol Rotunda, Jefferson City, MO
10/5 - Statewide execution watches and vigils - TBD
10/5 - Execution watch for Ernest Johnson, Bonne Terre, MO - 5:00 PM
*Masks and distancing are required at all in person events hosted by MADP.
We are so grateful for all of the support and solidarity many of you have shown to Ernest. Please ask members of your community and organizations to join in advocacy efforts for Ernest. If you would like to co-sponsor an upcoming event for Ernest or further abolition in Missouri with MADP, please contact us at
Ernest has one month. Please do all you can to call on Governor Parson to stop this unconstitutional execution.