March 2nd, 2021 marked the annual National Day of Emapthy. MADP Coordinator Michelle Smith hosted the Missouri Day of Empathy in partnership with the DreamCorps online. As we embodied this year's theme, PEOPLE + POWER + POLICY, we uplifted the lived experiences of individuals impacted by the criminal legal system and humanized them to the greater society and policymakers, in efforts to garner empathy and sponsorship for legislative reforms and community support.
We were joined by several advocacy and community organizations including: Our Lives Matter, Organization for Black Struggle (OBS), Operation Liberation-KC, and EX-Incarcerated People Organizing (Expo) St. Louis.
State and Locally elected officials also joined us to speak about their dedication to better communities, and legislative efforts in support of criminal justice reform. Guests included: Prosecutor Wesley Bell, Senator Brian Williams, Representative Ashley Bland-Manlove, and spokesperson and former president of the Ethical Society of Police, Heather Taylor.