On Tuesday, January 31st, Missourians to Abolish the Death Penalty and the Missouri State Conference of the NAACP will join forces for our annual lobby day in Jefferson City, MO.
Several bills have been filed this year that will reduce or expand the use of the death penalty, and we need your help under the dome. It’s not late to register to attend: https://bit.ly/ADVOCACYDAY2023
In addition to meeting with elected officials, MADP + partners will host a rally and press conference in the rotunda to amplify calls to STOP THE EXECUTION of Leonard “Raheem” Taylor. Please continue to share the petition and amplify Raheem’s innocence: https://bit.ly/RaheemPetition

On Tuesday, January 25, advocates participated in advocacy day training online with MADP + MO NAACP + Sharon Jones Advocacy. You can watch the training here.
If you have any questions please call 816-931-4177.
We look forward to seeing you in Jefferson City soon!