We appreciate all who made it out to the Missouri State Capitol in Jefferson City for MADP's 2022 Lobby Day and Clemency For Carman Deck Petition Drop yesterday!
We were joined by a host of individuals from across the state, faith leaders, and leaders with the American Civil Liberties Union of Missouri, Empower Missouri, Missouri Faith Voices, The Missouri State Conference of the NACP, Our Lives Matter, The Missouri Catholic Conference, Representative Tony Lovasco, Representative Richard Brown, and a host of other state legislators and senators who joined in the called to abolish the death penalty in Missouri.
Representatives Tony Lovasco (R) and Richard Brown (D) both spoke at the rally, calling the Death Penalty a bipartisan issue.
"I would want him ( Gov. Parson ) to know that there are constitutional implications in moving forward with the death sentence in this case, and moving forward with the death penalty in Missouri in general," Luz Maria Henriquez, the executive director for The American Civil Liberties Union of Missouri.
"This punitive, premeditated decision on death is not in line with our faith," Nimrod Chapel Jr., President of the Missouri State Conference of the NAACP and Board Chair at MADP. "It doesn't meet our moral core. And when we look at it legally, it doesn't make sense."
A Reply Brief in support of a stay of execution was filed by Carman Deck's legal team recently. You can read that here. His lawyers will be meeting Gov. Parson's General Counsel today, April 27th, to ask for clemency For Carman Deck.
Please continue to call Governor Parson to ask that he stay the scheduled execution of Carman Deck and commute his sentence to Life without the possibility of parole. Gov. Parson Phone: (573) 751-3222
On May 3rd, there will be execution watches and vigils held across the state for Carman Deck. Please see details below:
Bonne Terre - 5PM, Eastern Reception, Diagnostic and Correctional Center (ERDCC), Execution Watch and Vigil, MADP, contact info@madpmo.org or call 816-931-4177
Belton, St. Sabina's Catholic Church, 700 Trevis Ave Belton, MO 64012 (KC metro area). Praying Rosary for Carman Deck beginning at 5:45pm - All are welcome to attend and keep prayerful vigil, even if you are not familiar with this Catholic prayer tradition. For more information contact: Bridget Hernandez bridget@stsabinaparish.org. 816-979-3159
Jefferson City - Noon, Governor’s Office, 2nd Floor Missouri State Capitol, The Missouri Catholic Conference. Contact Rita Linhardt at linhardtr@mocatholic.org
STL - 3PM, STL Circuit Courthouse, Market & Tucker. Will carpool to Bonne Terre, MO following. STL Chapter MADP and various faith leaders. Contact Margaret at mphillips@igc.org
KCMO - 5-6PM, 39th and Troost, Kansas City Chapter MADP. Contact Bob at ronan@ieee.org
Columbia - 5-6PM, Boone County Courthouse. Columbia Chapter MADP and Fellowship of Reconciliation, Jeff Stack - jstack@formissouri.org